International Air Law
1 Week: October 6 - 10, 2025
1 Week: November 3 - 7, 2025
- Cape Town
- Johannesburg
Tuition (In Person)
1 Week
$999 pp individual
$800 pp for groups of 5+
Tuition (Online)
1 Week
$600 pp individual
$400 pp for groups of 5+
Course Overview
The course begins with an examination of the environment in which international aviation currently operates and the historical development of basic principles of international air law, with particular reference to the Chicago Convention and the role of the International Civil Aviation Organization.
It then analyses the nature of bilateral air services agreements, paying particular attention to Nigerian practice. It examines international conventions and state practices in relation to the shooting down of civilian aircraft and the hijacking of aircraft and other offences. It examines the liability regime established by the Warsaw Convention and subsequent agreements.
The course then moves on to examine the international legal requirements for the establishment and operation of airports and considers international norms applying to customs quarantine and immigration, with particular attention to Annex 9 of the Chicago Convention. The course then examines the regulation of the use of outer space for peaceful (and non-peaceful) purposes.
A participant who has successfully completed this course should have an understanding of:
- The multilateral legal and institutional framework governing international aviation.
- The operation and interpretation of bilateral air services agreements.
- International conventions addressing offences against aircraft.
- The legal framework governing the liability of carriers for the death or personal injury of passengers.
- International standards applicable to the operation of airports.
- The regulation of border controls on aircraft, cargo, and passengers.
- The multilateral regulation of the use of outer space.
Course Outline
Day 1: Introduction |
● Definition of Air Law ● Nature, Scope and Source ● Development of Air Law (Paris Convention, 1910; Paris Convention, 1919; Madrid Convention ● 1926; Havana Convention, 1928; Warsaw Convention and Chicago Convention, 1944) Regulation ● Freedom of the Air and Sovereignty in the Air ● Membership and Organs of ICAO ● Legislative, Administrative and Judicial function. ● Economic and Technical regulations |
Day 2: Conventions & Treaties |
● Recap on all Aviation Convention and Treaties. |
Day 3: Safety and Security in Civil Aviation |
● Aviation terrorism ● International Norms-conventions, protocols and regulations ● State obligation to provide Air Navigation services, Sovereign rights of States |
Day 4: Technology Development and Problem in Civil Aviation |
● Technology development and associated problems in civil aviation. ● Private involvement in ownership, operation, and management of airports. ● International regulatory framework for civil aviation. ● Rights and privileges of air passengers. ● Consumer protection in civil aviation. ● Liability for death, injury, and delay in air travel. |
Day 5: Changing Global Trend |
● International Conventions and Regulations ● Aviation related Environmental problems ● General Principles Role of ICAO and ICJ, Arbitration, Settlement under Municipal Law |
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